Sexual and Domestic Violence Organizations

Improve your operations and the well-being of your staff with our free programs.

Staff of sexual and domestic violence organizations do hard work that puts them at risk of suffering from compassion fatigue, burnout, and vicarious trauma. RAFT recognizes the various challenges that come with working as a sexual and domestic violence advocate. In order for survivors to continue getting the support they need and deserve, the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of advocates must be addressed. RAFT is committed to providing advocates with the tools to build resilience to challenges in work and life.  

“This workshop was absolutely amazing. It was extremely beneficial for our staff to take the time to learn these techniques and tools. It was a bonding experience for our team while we learned essential information. 100% recommend." - Advocate, SOS Kansas

RAFT’s main workshop series, “Foundations of Resiliency,” is a series of five 2-hour virtual workshops offered to advocates and staff of sexual and domestic violence agencies and coalitions. Our workshops are interactive and engaging, emphasizing story-telling and discussion to teach and connect with our advocate attendees.  

Through our workshop series, you and your colleagues will learn critical resilience-building tools, identify your individual and organizational strengths and values, and practice relaxation techniques to improve overall well-being and resilience.   

RAFT programs are no-cost for advocates to participate in, and we accept donations from organizations that have funds to contribute in that way. If you are interested in bringing the RAFT curriculum to your organization, send Mariam, RAFT's Outreach and Engagement Manager an email and we will connect!  

"These sessions were much needed and rejuvenating. Appreciate you all so much for the amazing work you do to accompany advocates in their healing journey and the positive ripple effect you have not only on the advocates you train, but also on their clients, clients' families, and the world." - Advocate, Kan-Win Illinois

Below is a brief description of our workshops. For a downloadable flyer of these offerings, click the link at the bottom of the page. 

Workshop #1: The Importance of Personal Boundaries

  • Define types of personal boundaries
  • Discover how you currently set boundaries in your life
  • Create a plan to set effective personal boundaries

Workshop #2: Discovering Your Values and Saying "No" in a Positive Way

  • Identify your core values
  • Learn strategy to say "No" by upholding your values
  • Learn to use your values to empower your "No"
  • Practice saying "No" while maintaining relationships

Workshop #3: Building Resilience to Shame

  • Understand shame and guilt
  • Identify sources and triggers for shame in our lives
  • Learn 3 tools for connection

Workshop #4: Strengths in Decision-Making

  • Identify your character strengths
  • Understand the effects of a strength-focused thought process
  • Use strengths to empower your decision-making

Workshop #5: Thriving Through Gratitude and Empathy

  • Comprehensive review of RAFT workshop curriculum
  • Create an intentional self-care plan using positive psychology tools
  • Holistic well-being

Ongoing Support Programs

RAFT's support of you and your organization doesn't end with our workshop series. RAFT offers monthly support calls for advocates, emerging leaders, and executive directors.

RAFT Advocate Support Calls

On the first Wednesday of every month, RAFT hosts a support call for sexual and domestic violence advocates. The group meets to share challenges, experiences, and successes and support each other through conversation. You can also join these calls and just listen if that supports you. You can get notifications for the call by joining the RAFT Advocate list (scroll to the bottom for the sign-up form).

RAFT Emerging Leadership Calls

On the second Wednesday of every month, RAFT hosts a leadership call for people in non-executive-director leadership positions, people who have recently taken on a supervisory role, or people who are looking to move into leadership. These calls discuss different leadership topics and tools while also giving space for leaders to share their challenges, experiences, and successes. You can get more information about these calls by emailing Jeremie Miller, Executive Director.

RAFT Advocate/Survivor Support Calls

On the third Wednesday of every month, RAFT hosts a support call for advocates working and volunteering in DV/SV response services who also identify as survivors of violence. The goal of this call is to provide a space for advocate/survivors to connect and share your experiences, needs, and resources. You can also join these calls and just listen if that supports you. You can get notifications for the call by joining the RAFT Advocate list (scroll to the bottom for the sign-up form).

RAFT Executive Director Leadership Calls

On the last Wednesday of every month, RAFT hosts a leadership call for executive directors or high-level directors. These calls discuss different leadership topics and tools while also giving space for leaders to share their challenges, experiences, and successes. You can get more information about these calls by emailing Jeremie Miller, Executive Director.

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